
The UW IoT Center is composed of multidisciplinary teams of faculty and students from engineering, business, computer science, retail, and other disciplines working on projects allowing for a unique opportunity to explore, extend, and innovate with emerging technologies.

UW IoT Center Faculty & Staff

Shiyu Zhou

Position title: IoT Center Director and Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering

Kaibo Liu

Position title: Associate IoT Center Director and Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering

UW IoT Center Affiliated Faculty

Laura Albert

Position title: Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering

Suman Banerjee

Position title: Professor, Computer Science

Peter Chien

Position title: Professor, Statistics

Greg DeCroix

Position title: Professor, Operations & Information Management

Somesh Jha

Position title: Professor, Computer Sciences

Younghyun Kim

Position title: Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Jingshan Li

Position title: Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Zhenqiang Ma

Position title: Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Sangkee Min

Position title: Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Frank Pfefferkorn

Position title: Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Kevin Ponto

Position title: Assistant Professor, School of Human Ecology

Xiaoping Qian

Position title: Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Robert Radwin

Position title: Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering

Leyuan Shi

Position title: Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering

Peng Shi

Position title: Associate Professor, Wisconsin School of Business

Raj Veeramani

Position title: Founding IoT Director and Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering & Wisconsin School of Business

Jerry Zhu

Position title: Professor, Computer Sciences